Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Seeker" by Jack McDevitt

09.18.08 to 11.23.08 - Anytime it takes me two months to read a 300+ page book, you will know that I am not totally into it. This one is set thousands of years in the future where human live all over that galaxy and our characters of interest are antique dealers who go on a treasure hunt for a lost civilization known as the Margolians. Ehhh, it wasn't a bad book or a bad plot but it didn't hold my interest much. I had to force myself to read a few pages each night. Want a challenge? Read the book.

"The Assassin King" by Elizabeth Hadon

09.20.08 to 10.01.08 - Read the book! It's chapters 9 and 10 of a 15 chapter book. In other words nothing was solved just a continuation of the Requiem. Annoyed a little, have to wait for Chapters 11 and 15 since they are published yet.

Alas, read the book but know its a transition book.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Requiem for the Sun" by Elizbeth Haydon

09.07.08 to 09.18.08 - Let me start off by saying that every book that is a sequel of some kind should have a page in the front of the book that says "You must first read book 1, book 2, and book 3." I spent the first part of this book saying "I know that" and "Yeah, yeah, yeah, get on with it." This is not the Authors fault, she has to reestablish the characters in case an idiot reads the books out of order [and I have been guilty of this] but when your excited about the story it can be frustrating.

Requiem is just as good as the other three. Achmed and Ashe had a larger role and Rhapsody was not in the forefront and it was nice. I love the expansion of Anborn's character and even the revival of Waste of Breath!

In this book, Rhapsody gets herself pregnant [of course with the help of Ashe] and gets the mother of all morning sickness that effects much of her ability to fend off Michael, Wind of Death, plan to kidnap her. His obsession in possessing her causes for great acts of cruelty.

Ashe and Achmed join forces to rescue her. Ashe does it out of love for his wife. Achmed does it out of friendship and duty to his Dhracian bloodline.

Don't read this book until you have all three of this trilogy in your possession as you will want to close Requiem and open "Elegy for a Lost Star." Read the book!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

"A Scholar of Magics" by Caroline Stevermer

08.24.08 to 09.07.08 - This books was just as fun as the first, "A College of Magics." However you should not expect to be hooked until page 100 or so. Once again, Jane Brailsford must save the day. The problem is that this time its not her best friend she is helping - its a couple of silly boys who are somewhat relucent to accept her help. Sam Lambert, a sharp shooter, brought to Glasscastle college for an research project. Nicholas Fell is Lambert's friend, roommate and the next Warden of the West. It a good read with a woman driver too boot!

Read the book.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Charlie Come Home" by R.F. Delderfield

07.10.08 to 08.24.08 - When you've read as many Delderfield books as I have, you have to recommend all of them. "Charlie Come Home" didn't capture me as his other books. Based on a disgruntled bank employee, Charlie, and the Cafe's owners and step siblings, Delphine and Beppo. The unlikely trio embark on a plan to rob the bank but when Charlie comes to his senses and backs out that is when the things heat up.

It has many twist and turns but what I liked the most was the sweet tone the end of the book.

Read the book.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

"A College of Magics" by Caroline Stevermer

07.05.08 to 07.10.08 - O H M Y G O S H!!! What a great book! The title doesn't do it justice, it should be "Read Me!" If you like Rhaposody, you will like this. Base in Greenlaw, Galazon and Aravis - don't know if any of these places exist on our Earth but there is also Paris, England and it set sometime at the beginning of automobiles.

The cast of characters include Faris and her friend Jane attending college to become witches and the magic that ensues in much fun. Faris is nobility waiting to come of age and fire her uncle who has being running Galazon in her minority. With many twist and turns, trips, spells and exploding hats - I couldn't but this one down.

Read the book!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

"My Life As Emperor" by Su Tong

06.12.08 to 07.04.08 - With every book I try to find something good about it; well, it's somewhat of a simple sweet story - somewhat! For half of this book, I read about this arrogant little boy who was Emperor of Xie. He learns to be nice after he is deposed. Then becomes a tightrope walker????? Blah is about all I can say for this one. Blah.

Don't read this one.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Lord of the Dead" by Tom Holland

05.18.08 to 06.12.08 - This novel was rather neat. Lord Bryon tells of life as vampire to Rebecca. So it is a story within a story. Well written with a lot of action but oddly slow at the same time, if that's possible. I really don't know how to describe this but to say I wanted to finish this book but it was one a could put down. That's why this small book according to my standards took two weeks to finish.

I did like the twist of Bryon as the bad guy with Shelley thrown in and the use of real life facts wove into the story. Yeah, read this book.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

"The Etruscan Chimera" by Lyn Hamilton

05.01.08 to 05.17.08 - This one was surprising and refreshing! I rarely read books that are based in what I call "my world." If there are things that are in my world phones, cars, TVs, I don't want to read it. I accidentally got this book at the Friends of the Library book sale and if you have ever been to this sale you know you have only seconds to decide if you want the book before someone is pushing you to move on down the row.

Lara, the main character, found herself mixed up in a plot to discredit a billionaire and steal one of Italy's antiquities and where her roll was the pawn. The twists and turns where engaging and the little old lady was a good hook for me to stay involved...I needed to know what happened to Lola!

Read the book!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

"Destiny" by Elizabeth Haydon

04.21.08 to 05.01.08 - TaaaaDaaaa! I finished this trilogy. It was worth the read but this one, ironically since it was tying up loose ends and revealing plots, fell a little flat. Book 2, "Prophecy" was so good that when I finished it, I immediately pick up this one to finish the story. I do feel much was left unfinished [to hook us into the next sequel, Requiem for the Sun. I am not sure I am falling for it]. Overall, it was good.

If anyone out there read these books, don't you feel that Achmed and Grunthor deserved an ending.

Read the book.

Monday, April 21, 2008

"Prophecy" by Elizabeth Haydon

04.04.08 to 04.21.08 - This is book two that started with "Rhapsody." Anytime you read a sequel your scared to death that it will come up short. "Phophecy" doesn't. It is a bit slow at first but definately picks up and is a good ride! The three main characters, Rhapsody, Achmed and Grunthor are all back but Ashe becomes a leading character that adds to the story. Lots of sword play, banter and more sword play. And add an unknown bad guy to make for a good mystery. Oh did I mention the dragons?

Read the book!

Friday, April 04, 2008

"Stop at a Winner" by R.F. Delderfield

03.09.08 to 04.03.08 - This Delderfield was not one one his masterpieces but since it was uncharacteristically short, I am glad I read it. This book revolves around grifter Horace and gypsy Pedlar who get drafted or join the British RAF during WWII. Horace leads Pope through a series of "fiddles" at base after base and even when they shipped to the continent to fight the Jerrys [Germans]. The loyalty in between the two was like your favorite pair of shoes, you must break them in first. Horace wasn't the more scrupulous man around but grew to be a good man.

Not the best Delderfield but I still say read the book!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

"Rhapsody" by Elizabeth Haydon

02.25.08 to 03.09.08 - I love adventuring to different places and Serendair and the Root are as good of places to go as any. The thing so wonderful about books are there are no boundaries, even mystical worlds totally unlike like our own. This was a fun romp through adventure and war fair and good versus evil. It is similar to Tolkin with its arduous travels through the root, the elf like race called Larin, the troll like Bolg, or the mysterious Dhracian. Tolkin wrote only one set of books that were a blast to read so I am thankful for those who follow in his footsteps.

This one is different with the heroin's magic stemming from music. I hope somewhere out there Haydon has written an end to the book because this one left you hanging. It was great adventure anyway! Read the book.

"Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen

02.01.08 to 02.24.08 ....Eh. That's it - eh. This books was no Pride and Prejudice. Rather slow, I am ever so thankful that the book was relatively short. Miss Catherine was rather mousy even when it came to see her new best friend was selfish, obnoxious and annoying. The obnoxious characteristic of Miss Thorpe was one of the main reasons I hated Emma. Austen has a knack for creating characters you either immensely love or truly hate. So it was odd to feel totally indifferent to Miss Catherine. Even when Mr. Tilney's cruelty was at its height, the story fell short of holding my interest that's why it took so long for me to read.

If you are a true fan of Jane Austen, read the book. If your looking for something interesting to read select something else.