Sunday, June 06, 2010

"A Feast In Exile" by Chelsea Quinn Yarbor

05.31.10 to 06.07.10 - Another vampire book from Ms. Yarbro and another fun ride! I really like these series and must find more. The ever so considerate Sanat Ji Mani began to wear though, at some point when he and Tulsi were traveling I wanted him to just scream "I want this" or "I want that" - the "whatever you want" got old. I didn't want him to take her blood without consent just more assertive and Tulsi neediness was agrevating but I did enjoy the book.

I prefer the points were Sanat Ji Mani and Rojire were together. Even though its a master/servant relationship its much more that all knowing of Rojire's made and how he took care of Sanat Ji Mani was the portion of the book I enjoyed the most.

IF you like vampire books without the horror, and struggles of the heroes who have are running from evil Sultan out to conquer the world then this book is for you.

Read the book!