Friday, November 25, 2011

"Diana" by RF Delderfield

10-2-11 to 11-25-11 This book reminded me a little of Jane Austin's Emma. Throughout the reading I really never liked her, Diana. I didn't trust her not to hurt John. I didn't like the fact that she called him Jan from the Lorna Doone character. I didn't like her scheming and self-centeredness. I felt protective of John.

I don't know if Delderfield expected us to feel that way or if  I am a snob for the working class and don't trust that people with money and power ever fall for love. She was raised in a station above John and I only saw trouble and hurt for him. I also felt that she didn't deserve the loyalty and trust bestow on her by John and Drip, her governess.

Don't get me wrong, I did like the book but I am not sure if I was supposed to like Diana and forgive all the things she did to John. The book is written from John's perspective as a series of recollections that at moments give a somber feel. I do wish that Delderfield had ended the book more definitely rather leaving it some what unfinished.

Read the book...